Ban the iPond

UPDATE: 19/12/07 I have just spoken with a staff member from Pets Paradise Indooroopilly, who informed me that due to the negative media attention the product has received, it has been removed from the shelves "until we can get some more information". The petition will  remain open  for now in case the iPond goes  back on  sale at Pets Paradise.

The new iPond is a tiny fish tank which can be attached to an owner's iPod and used as a speaker. It is sold for keeping Siamese Fighting Fish, or Bettas, and is becoming quite the popular Christmas item. It may sound cute, but it's not much fun for the fish. The tank measures just The device just measures 152 millimetres in height, 88 millimetres across and 77 millimetres deep, barely enough for the fish to move. It is far too small for the fish to have adequate oxygen intake and a clean environment, and fish kept in it are likely to have a greatly shortened lifespan.

The iPond has been condemned by the RSPCA. Please join this petition to Pets Paradise to have stop stocking this cruel product.

NOTE: despite its name, the iPond is NOT MADE BY APPLE, so this petition is not targeted at them.
Dear Sir or Madam,

We the undersigned have become aware that
your company is stocking the new iPond fish tanks. These tanks are
unsuitable for keeping Bettas, or Siamese Fighting fish, because they
are far smaller than the recommended tank size for such fish. They have
been condemned by the RSPCA because in spite of the ability of Bettas
to  take in oxygen from the air, the small size of these tanks
does not allow the fish adequete access to oxygen and a clean
environment. The presence of speakers attached to the tank is also
liable to cause discomfort to the fish. Fish kept in such a tank will
be barely able to move and probably have a greatly shortened lifespan.

feel unable to patronise Pets Paradise stores until you cease selling
this cruel product. Please demonstrate that you will treat all animals,
including fish, with the respect they deserve.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
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