Iran's President, the dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is the main supporter of anti-Jewish and anti-American terrorism in the world. His bombs and money are used to kill. He needs to be arrested and tried for his crimes.
We the undersigned believe you should arrest Ahmadinejad upon his arrival in New York. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Dictator of Iran, is one of the most evil men on earth.

Just a peek at his portfolio: Ahmadinejad has crushed his people and opponents, kept Americans hostage in 1979, and promises to wipe Israel off the map. His actions and his words speak volumes about his intentions to build and use nukes. He sends guns, ammo, land mines, missiles, money and bombs to Hamas, Hizbollah, and those killing American soldiers in Iraq. He is a murderous madman like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.

Imagine the suffering that could have been avoided if anyone of them had been apprehended, tried and sentenced before they were allowed to institute their evil plans?

Do the right thing%u2014 and the world will thank you. It will raise your profile and your moral standing. It will be a mitzvah.

The entire world wants this madman off the streets.
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