Complaint about Monsanto using the term "sustainable" in promoting their type of agricultu

Dear Sir/ Madam
As a consumer, I object to Monsanto Australia Limited and Monsanto International Pty Ltd using the term "Sustainable Agriculture" in any of their advertising material and specifically their website - see specifically
This is a false and misleading representation as well as misleading and deceptive conduct under sections 18 and 29 of The Australian Consumer Law. 
The term "Sustainable Agriculture" should refer to a type of agriculture that can be "sustained indefinitely" (see the ACCC consumer info sheet entitled "Your Consumer Rights - Environmental Claims"). An example of "Sustainable Agriculture" is Permaculture ( 
Monsanto's genetically modified seeds are sold in combination with herbicides that aim to destroy all plants except for the Monsanto crop. The use of herbicides affects the health of the soil organisms and soil fertility and results in the need to use chemical fertilizer for plant growth. The long term use of chemical fertilizers and herbicides results in the reduction in top soil, salinization and desertification. It is not a sustainable agricultural practice. 
Appropriate terms for the agricultural practices promoted by Monsanto would be "Industrial Agriculture", "Chemical Agriculture" or "Biotech Agriculture".
Thank you and regards
Dear Sir/ Madam
We the undersigned object to Monsanto Australia Limited and Monsanto International Pty Ltd using the term "Sustainable Agriculture" in any of their advertising material and specifically their website - see specifically . 
This is a false and misleading representation as well as misleading and deceptive conduct under sections 18 and 29 of The Australian Consumer Law. 
The term "Sustainable Agriculture" should refer to a type of agriculture that can be "sustained indefinitely" (see the ACCC consumer info sheet entitled "Your Consumer Rights - Environmental Claims"). An example of "Sustainable Agriculture" is Permaculture (, organic or biodynamic agriculture that does not use any chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Monsanto's genetically modified seeds are sold in combination with herbicides that aim at destroying all plants except for the Monsanto crop. The use of herbicides affects the health of the soil organisms and soil fertility and results in the need to use chemical fertilizer for plant growth. The long term use of chemical fertilizers and herbicides results in the reduction in top soil, salinization and desertification. It is not a sustainable agricultural practice. 
Appropriate terms for the agricultural practices promoted by Monsanto would be "Industrial Agriculture", "Chemical Agriculture" or "Biotech Agriculture".
Thank you and regards
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