Dog Tortured for 'Art'

  • por: Julie R. Stuckey
  • destinatário: Dr. Oscar Arias Sanchez: President of the Republic of Costa Rica

A starving, sick street dog was as part of an exposition in Managua, Nicaragua, in August.  Guillermo Vargas Habacuc found the dog tied up on a street corner in a poor Nicaragua barrio. Guillermo Vargas Habacuc then paid children to catch the dog.  Guillermo Vargas Habacuc then brought it to the 'showing'. The dog was not given food or water and died the dog in a corner of the salon where it died the following day. 

Upload a Photo or Videodeath comes but no one cares
tied 2 wall 2 die
no food no water just the people watching

dying alone
We the undersigned, are calling upon the government of Costa Rica and the President of the Republic of Costa Rica, Dr. Oscar Arias Sanchez.

*Please show mercy and compassion. 
*Please do not allow or condone the cruel and abusive acts against animals to continue. 
*Please create and enforce laws that protect the defenseless, powerless, voiceless and innocent and enforce severe punishment against those that do not abide the laws.

'The greatness of a nation and it's moral progress can be judged by the way its animal are treated'---Mahatma Gandi
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