Boycott Greater Media for remarks against bicyclists

Boycott Greater Media radio for intolerable remarks against bicyclists

Greater Media's radio station, WCSX, aired deplorable remarks the morning of August 6, 2009 that encouraged violence against bicyclists.

These reprehensible comments not only belittled cyclists for enjoying a healthy legitimate form of transportation, they made reference to Grand Theft Auto, an intensely violent video game where players run over and maim people.

Greater Media has failed to take appropriate corrective measures to date.  I request that Greater Media immediately publicly retract these statements, as well as publicly censure the employees involved in these appalling comments.

Until they do so, I will not listen to any Greater Media radio station, including Detroit-based WCSX, WRIF, and WMGC.  

Additionally, I encourage businesses not to support these unacceptable and intolerant views by declining to advertise on any Greater Media station.  I also pledge to personally not patronize businesses who advertise with Greater Media until corrective action is taken.

The on air diatribe went on for over eight minutes and at one point even ridicules the use of bike helmets.  A sampling of the intolerable comments made by radio hosts Jeff Deminiski and Bill Doyle are:

"How many of us drivers are disgusted with how bicyclists take to the road. ... I'm sorry, they're jerks. I doubt very much that any cyclist would have the gumption to call us, but how many of them have seen a bicyclist and would just LOVE to lob something at their heads? ... God forbid we try to get by them! The guy on the bike is doing 19 m.p.h., they won't get over, ... and it is just flat-out arrogance. ... OH GOD, you just want to go Grand Theft Auto on them. ... Just move over. That's all I'm saying. ... I don't see why they are so arrogant. They are riding something which against your 4,000 pound vehicle could launch them like an acorn."

I encourage you to take a listen for yourself.  You can find links to the original broadcasts at:
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