20th Anniversary of Faith No More's "The Real Thing"

  • por: anaussiemusicfan
  • destinatário: Rhino Handmade (or anyone able to make it happen)
We the undersigned would like to see a 20th Anniversary release of Faith No More's "The Real Thing" in 2009.

To celebrate the re-release of one of the most influential albums of the 80s/90s cross-over, we would like to see some extras included such as b-sides, unreleased tracks, demos or a making-of DVD, or perhaps a band sponsored remastering. Whatever is possible.

We agree that on the release of such a product, we would purchase it.

You may sign anonymously and put in any details you like for the questions asked, but please do not sign more than once, and please put in your real Country as we would like to keep the petition as a valid indication of the number of people who want this to happen.
We the undersigned would like to see a 20th Anniversary release of Faith No More's "The Real Thing" in 2009.

To celebrate the re-release of one of the most influential albums of the 80s/90s cross-over, we would like to see some extras included such as b-sides, unreleased tracks, demos or a making-of DVD, or perhaps a band sponsored remastering. Whatever is possible.

We agree that on the release of such a product, we would purchase it.
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