Help Ban New Oil and Gas Drilling Off Our Coasts!

As the clock winds down on President Obama's final term, time is running out to protect some of America's most cherished coastlines from the dangers of expanded offshore oil and gas drilling. The Interior Department is proposing a new five-year offshore plan allowing massive leasing in our fragile and wild-life filled Arctic Ocean. And while it has given our Atlantic coast a short term reprieve from drilling, it keeps alive the threat of leasing in the future. President Obama, though, has the power to ban oil and gas leasing in these waters for good.

Join with the NRDC Action Fund to urge President Obama to stop Big Oil, and save our coasts and our climate, by permanently protecting our cherished Arctic and Atlantic waters from offshore drilling and the threat of catastrophic oil spills before he leaves office.
Dear President Obama:

The American people do not want our fragile Arctic Ocean opened up to dangerous oil and gas drilling. Not in your administration’s five-year offshore plan, and not ever. Please use your executive authority to permanently protect the Arctic from drilling that threatens or climate and these pristine waters with catastrophic oil spills.

I also urge you to permanently protect our densely populated Atlantic coast from offshore drilling. While it is spared in the current five-year plan without permanent protection the coastline and its millions of residents will be vulnerable to oil and gas drilling in the future.

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