We Want Adobe LiveMotion 3.0.

  • por: Matthew Skidmore
  • destinatário: John Warnock, CEO, Adobe Systems Incorporated
Adobe LiveMotion is a premier web development tool that creates Flash applications in an efficient manner. Adobe LiveMotion was discontinued and �We Want It Back.� Please make your voices heard and tell Adobe that we want LiveMotion 3.0, by signing this petition. You can make a difference. Thank you for your help, Livemotion2.com.
Adobe LiveMotion is a premier web development tool that creates Flash applications in an efficient manner. Adobe LiveMotion was discontinued and �We Want It Back.� Please make your voices heard and tell Adobe that we want LiveMotion 3.0, by signing this petition. You can make a difference.
For more information on LiveMotion and our cause please visit us at www.Livemotion2.com
Also you can write a letter to Adobe expressing your feelings about LiveMotion being discontinued at:
Adobe Systems Incorporated
345 Park Avenue
San Jose, CA 95110-2704
Tel: 408-536-6000
Fax: 408-537-6000

Thank you for your help,
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