Demand Labeling of Genetically-Modified Foods

Canadians have the right to know what they are eating.  Currently producers of genetically-modified foods have not been required to label their foods as such.  Genetically-modified foods are being linked to serious health concerns and environmental damage.  It is time for Canada to follow the lead of the European Union and the New England states in requiring labeling of all genetically-modified foods or food ingredients.  It is a basic human right and it's time for Canadians to be able to make informed choices.

Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper:

Canadians have the right to know what they are eating.  Currently producers of genetically-modified foods have not been required to label their foods as such in Canada.  Genetically-modified foods are increasingly being linked to serious health concerns and environmental damage.  It is time for Canada to follow the lead of the European Union and the New England states in requiring the labeling of all genetically-modified foods or food ingredients.  It is a basic human right and it's time for Canadians to be able to make informed choices for their health and the health of their families.


Michelle Schoffro Cook, PhD

on behalf of the people who have signed this petition

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