Justice for Trooper and Adam, Two Dogs Thrown Out of a Car on a New York Freeway

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Whitney Point Police Department and Broome County Sheriff's Office Patrol Division

What kind of person would throw two dogs out of a moving vehicle? That's what thousands of people are asking themselves after a truck driver rescued two dogs from a busy New York freeway last week. The driver said he was going down Interstate 81 in Whitney Point when he saw a jalopy throw two beagles out of the rear passenger window onto a busy highway and into oncoming traffic.

Luckily the driver knew just what to do. He pulled over and got out of his truck to rescue the poor pups. When police arrived on the scene they saw him carrying one of the dogs who was in extremely bad shape.

The dogs, now named Trooper and Adam, were taken to a vet to get treatment. They are likely to recover, but Trooper, who was in worse shape than Adam when he was found, unfortunately, had to have his leg amputated.

The culprits who did this are not only responsible for the maiming of two poor helpless and trusting dogs, but they also put the lives of dozens of motorists at risk with their careless act.

These people must be caught and the police should make finding the drivers a priority.

Sign the petition and ask the Whitney Point Police Department and Broome County Sheriff's Office Patrol Division to do everything in their power to find the person responsible and bring them to justice. Demand Justice for Trooper and Adam.

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