Stop the Gunfire in Our Backyard! No More Waterfowl Hunting Near the Quinnipiac Meadows/Eugene B. Fargeorge Preserve

The Quinnipiac Meadows/Eugene B. Fargeorge Preserve is located on the Quinnipiac River in New Haven/Fair Haven. It is a 35-acre sanctuary for more than 132 species of birds, including the migratory American Black Duck and Canadian Geese. Hunting is not permitted on the grounds of the preserve, but the
waterways that weave in and around it offer an easement for hunters. Located a mere 300 feet from
hundreds of condos, local residents with their families and children are subject to frightening gunfire. 

OUR GOAL:  To extend the no-hunting area on the Quinnipiac River up to I-91/Railroad Line. 




Atualização #16 anos atrás
URGENT: On 3/22/18, Sen. Looney announced that the Env. Committee passed an amended bill banning hunting in New Haven between 1-95 & 1-91, designating the area as a state refuge for wildlife. This bill, Senate Bill 109, heads to the floor of the Senate for vote. If you live anywhere in the state of Connecticut, we need you to call/email your Senator/Rep & ask them to support Senate Bill 109. Please help by call/email today. Find your Senator/Rep:
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