Stop Anti-Wind Groups from Blocking Clean Energy in Congress

Even as climate change and pollution threaten the land, air, and water our families depend on, wind power offers our country a healthy, affordable energy source that's available right here, right now.

So why has Congress been sticking to the "energy policy as usual" that unfairly favors fossil fuels and limits wind power's growth? Because anti-wind groups are feeding misinformation to Congressional leaders and blocking the voices of citizens like you who want to see the power of wind unleashed.

But right now we have a chance to change that. As newly elected leaders come into office in January, Power of Wind is launching a nationwide campaign of citizens like you to counter anti-wind groups' misinformation and set the record straight about wind power.

At Power of Wind, we are leading a nationwide citizen movement to unleash the promise of wind energy. Through smart advocacy and education campaigns, we can get your message heard loud and clear by elected leaders — but we can't do it without you.

Sign our petition to Congressional leaders today telling them the truth about wind power and demanding the common-sense energy policies that can unleash its potential in 2015.
Congressional Leaders:

As you take office in January, I urge you to think about climate change and the pollution that threatens the land, air, and water our families depend on.

Wind power offers our country a healthy, affordable energy source that's available right here, right now – but we need your support for the common-sense energy policies that will unleash its full potential.

With your support, we can build on some exciting trends:

-- Wind power prices are coming down fast – In the past five years, the cost of wind power has dropped by over 50% — and is still decreasing!

-- Wind is reaching a growing number of families – Wind power has delivered a third of all new generating capacity over the past five years, and a record amount of new projects are under construction today.

-- Wind is employing more and more Americans – Wind power has supported an average of 73,000 well-paying American jobs over the past five years and can create hundreds of thousands more with stable, common-sense policies.

With the right policies in place, wind power can grow to provide 20% of our electricity nationwide by 2030. I hope that I can count on you to help make that vision a reality.

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