Recruit 1,000,000 People to Fight Animal Cruelty

Every day we see animals who are neglected, malnourished, beaten and abused. And every day we do all that is in our power to save them. Whether it�s saving a pet who has been accidentally poisoned, rescuing animals from abuse, or sharing resources with shelters across the country -- we work toward the day in which no animal will live in pain or fear.

But saving the victims of animal cruelty is not enough. We want to stop cruelty in its tracks.

Join us in adding your name to the thousands who have already taken the pledge to help the ASPCA protect animals from abuse.

THE PLEDGE: I support the ASPCA in its steadfast commitment to end animal cruelty. I will do all that is possible to help the animals in my community live happy, healthy lives. To that end, I pledge to: * Learn to recognize animal cruelty. * Report animal cruelty. * Set a good example for others. * Fight for the passage of Anti-Cruelty Laws by joining the ASPCA Advocacy Brigade. [Your Name]
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