• por: Martha Olaya Diaz
  • destinatário:,

I am here to call attention to a little known lung disease. Pulmonary fibrosis. Which I suffer from. I was diagnosed 4 years ago. But I was just disabled by social security,back in  July2007. I have been put through horrible hardship, as well as my family. I have had to contract a lawyer to help me with my disability case. Because of the lack of experience and knowledge of the doctors that are screening patcients for disability from the social security administration officeThere are many people falling through the cracks because of the lack of knowledgeable people working in the Social Security Administration.First we need to put people who know what they are doing ,they have peoples life's in there hands. They send the people wanting to be disabled to horrible dirty doctors offices, that if it weren't for social security no one would see these doctors. The offices dirty unkept, the staff are not clean. Office wouldn't pass any kind of health standards. I was surprised that I was sent to a doctors office that had no air conditioning, and they did the exam anyway. Under horrible conditions. When told of this doctors office, they thought nothing of the matter. Which leads me to believe that they don't care. Social Security must be looked at by a higher government council. People that are not disabled are being disabled.The people who are in need to be disabled right away, because there illness is serious, and have  no time for all the run around, when they have  medical records that clearly show the disease,  or there illness plus there time is limited. They waste time sending them to different family Doctors instead of getting hire someone that can actually read medical records in the first place.. This was they save on payroll hire the right person for the right job. I am here to speak for all the disabled pulmonary fibrosis patients that were, and will still be diagnosed with this horrible disease have a voice in the government.We need a voice.. Someone that care about what happens to the disabled  in this State of Florida.

Dear Senators: I have taken this time as a Florida resident to write this petition . I have gone through a lot to  be disabled  by social security. I want to you both know the problems that are taking place here in Florida and everywhere in the country.  You Senator  Nelson , thanks to you I was able to get my hearing quicker. I believe without your help I would still be waiting.  I want you to know, and understand the problems that disabled People go through every year trying to get the benefits  that they are entitled to.. I myself had to wait 4 years For Social Security to disable me. Putting my family in deep heart ship.  I have collected signatures so that you see that there is a mayor problem with the social security administration  office. We really need a change . A mayor change. The disabled people are falling through the cracks.. I am asking for help, not for myself, because after all I am already disabled.  But for the other people with pulmonary diseases, and other diseases that people don%u2019t look as sick as they really are..  Hire true professional who really know the diseases they are reading about. If you can%u2019t work.. You shouldn%u2019t have to wait years to be disabled.. Thank you for your time.. Please pass this to all state Senators.

Sincerely I thank you both for your time.
Martha Olaya Diaz.
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