Help Keep Our New Jersey Air Clean!

We at the Environmental Defense Fund urgently bring to your attention our concerns regarding New Jersey A577/S1366, a legislative proposal that allows New Jersey utilities to mix hydrogen into the natural gas distribution systems that come into our homes without adequate oversight, creating safety and climate risks.

The introduction of hydrogen into local distribution systems that bring gas into our homes, schools and businesses raises serious apprehensions.

Hydrogen is an inefficient decarbonization strategy. The production and distribution process results in substantial energy losses, potentially prolonging our reliance on fossil fuels rather than promoting cleaner alternatives.

Hydrogen leaks more easily than natural gas, triggering climate warming effects and posing safety risks due to its highly flammable nature, presents air quality concerns when burned and prolongs fossil fuel reliance.

As residents committed to achieving New Jersey's climate goals, which mandate an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, we believe that reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and focusing on building electrification and renewable power is essential.

Hydrogen should be reserved for hard-to-abate sectors like heavy industry, not introduced into residential areas where building electrification is the cleaner and more efficient decarbonization strategy.

Let's concentrate on initiatives that align with New Jersey's climate objectives, promoting cleaner alternatives and reducing our reliance on natural gas combustion in buildings.

By signing our petition, you are saying NO to A577/S1366 and helping keep our NJ air clean!
Dear NJ State Leaders,

The New Jersey legislature's A577/S1366 would allow New Jersey utilities to mix hydrogen into the natural gas distribution systems that come into our homes without adequate oversight, creating safety and climate risks.

Hydrogen leaks more easily than natural gas, triggering climate warming effects and posing safety risks due to its highly flammable nature, presents air quality concerns when burned and prolongs fossil fuel reliance.

What New Jerseyans need is for their elected leaders to move swiftly toward a clean, renewable energy future – that is meaningful climate action that will protect our families and communities. NO on A577/S1266.
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