Demand the Queensland government bans captive dolphin breeding

For a dolphin, a life spent entertaining visitors is misery in captivity. These sociable, intelligent animals are imprisoned for up to 50 years.

In their ocean home, a dolphin would have 100 square kilometres to range freely. Kept in barren, shallow, chlorinated pools they only have a fraction of that space. This is not a life, it's a life sentence.

Join our global community to defend dolphins. Demand the Queensland government bans captive dolphin breeding and stops captive dolphins shows.

The tide is turning against keeping of dolphins in captivity for entertainment.

New South Wales has already passed a ban on breeding dolphins in captivity or importing them into the state.

Now Queensland needs to follow. With you by our side, we won't stop defending dolphins until the last tank is empty.

If you believe all dolphins deserve to be living wild and free, then sign the petition today.
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