Tell Congress: Replace 100% of America's toxic lead pipes!

Across the country, in millions of homes and affecting hundreds of thousands of children and schools, lead pipes are polluting drinking water and endangering public health. Drinking water from lead pipes is poisonous and deadly, but the lead industry lobbied to make it commonly used in pipes throughout the 20th century.

Today, children and communities of color face the brunt of those decisions.

Right now, Congress is in the final stretch of passing its infrastructure package. We're on the brink of passing historic climate legislation — but replacing 100% of toxic lead pipes must be included. And Congress is currently funding enough for only 1 out of every 4 lead pipes to be replaced. Big polluters continue to obstruct and chip away at this legislation, and we need every dollar in the $3.5T investment package to address the scale and scope of the climate crisis. 

Leaving 75% of lead pipes intact is outrageous — and unconscionable. Nobody in America should be drinking water contaminated with toxic lead. Especially when it is so preventable.

It's time to put this dangerous water contaminant behind us by replacing every lead pipe across the country. We must upgrade and modernize America's drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater systems, while tackling new contaminants and supporting clean water infrastructure across all of America.

Ensuring clean drinking water for all is a priority in the climate infrastructure package. Sign the petition and urge Congress to replace 100% of America's toxic lead pipes!
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