Demand that the Attorney General of Chimborazo Ecuador act & bring Mayor Vargas to justice.

Dancing, singing, while his innocent face beaten with machete, crucified, tormented, and finally decapitated!

Since February 6th, 2015 this case has been in the hands of the office of the Attorney General of Chimborazo, Quito in Ecuador, Mr Diego Andrade. Action is needed immediately.

We, the people of the world ask for the Attorney General of Chimbarazo to take action, without delay, and bring to justice the Mayor Manuel Vargas and his assistant Mr. Jose Quizhpi.

The video depicts the culprits beating the bear's face, torturing him, dancing, singing around the decapitated bear, and chanting the Major's name and that of his asistant. Instead of denouncing the bear sacrifice, they (the Mayor and his assistant) are seen dismounting their horses, and joining the festivity.

We, the people of the world want to know what is the DELAY in bringing both of these men to justice; and we ask you to i

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