Fifth Gear - Sort your act out or get off our screens

  • por: Radar Man
  • destinatário: The producers Fifth Gear, Channel 5
This petition is intended for the producers of Channel 5's Fifth Gear 'motoring' show. If you too think that this program is astonishingly bad then please sign and leave your comments on this petition. Please keep all comments constructive and free from abuse.
Fifth Gear please listen. You are not Top Gear, never have been and never will be so please stop your woeful imitations. VBH has become a sad parody of herself, Tim Lovejoy should stick to presenting sports programs and as for refering to Tiff Needell as 'The Tiff' - give me strength. This latest revamping of the show is truly dire. Your articles are becoming more and more mindless and banal by the minute and contain absolutely nothing for the motoring enthusiast. Top Gear can get away with this as their presenters are genuinely funny and charismatic, yours are NOT. It's a shame as your last series was almost watchable. Please stop churning out this mindless nonsense and get back to producing a viable alternative to Top Gear, instead of trying to copy it and failing miserably.
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