Beagle puppies allegedly had their vocal cords cut and their heads locked in cages filled with biting flies; U.S. money funded these terrible experiments

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: United States Department of Justice

The United States' National Institute for Infectious Diseases (NIH) has come under fire after allegedly giving grant money to a Tunisian lab that performed nearly indescribable acts on beagle puppies during tests of an experimental drug.

Act now and urge the United States government to conduct a full investigation into the allegations!

The tests were carried out to assess the efficacy of an experimental drug that would treat parasite-spread diseases, even though the U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) does not require drugs to be tested on animals.

Even so, 44 beagle puppies are alleged to have gone through absolute hell for these experiments. It's reported that their heads were trapped in mesh cages filled with parasitic sand flies which devoured the poor dogs alive. Some of the puppies were allegedly locked in cages and left in the desert for 9 days and nights so that their tiny bodies would attract the tiny, hungry parasites needed for this cruel study. Apparently the dogs were in so much pain and distress that their horrible captors cut their vocal cords so that they didn't have to hear their screams.

If these allegations are true, it is not only cruel but a complete misuse of US taxpayer dollars for animal-centric experiments that caused unnecessary pain and suffering. 

SIgn now and tell the United States Department of Justice to investigate at once!

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