Urge the Anaheim Union High School District Board to re-appoint Mr. Gonzales, our Respected and Valued Puente Counselor, to Magnolia High School

Moving Mr. Steve Gonzales, Puente Counselor, out of Magnolia High School will negatively impact Magnolia High School (MHS) students and community.

Mr. Gonzales has dedicated 24 years of service to the MHS community and has played an instrumental role in introducing the Puente Program to MHS in 1994. Recently, he requested a leave of absence for personal reasons. The Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD) Board approved his leave, with the caveat that upon his return he would be reappointed to a middle school in the district. He did not request to be transferred out of MHS and now MHS students, parents, and alumni sign this petition to request that Mr. Gonzales have the option to return to MHS at the end of his leave of absence.

In his role as a MHS Puente Counselor, Mr. Gonzales has contributed to the success of the Puente Program and the high school. Recent data demonstrates that Puente Graduates were almost twice as likely to attend a university than their non-Puente student counterparts. Additionally, research on the impact of the Puente program has demonstrated that the program makes a difference in students' college participation, preparedness, and persistence in college with students generally attributing their success to "the knowledge and information gained through the program with the Puente counselor serving as an important institutional agent."

The success of the Puente Program IS success at MHS. Hispanic students comprise 75% of our student body and 80% of our students are economically disadvantaged. The Puente Program, whose mission is to increase the number of educationally underrepresented students who attend four-year colleges and universities and return to their communities as leaders and mentors to future generations, has achieved nationally-recognized and unparalleled success at MHS with Mr. Gonzales at the helm.

Mr. Gonzales is a critical pillar of this program at MHS. Over the past two decades, he has earned the trust and respect of Hispanic/Latino families in our community. He has demonstrated that he understands cultural norms and values that affect a student's performance at the high school level and support system to pursue higher education. He has developed a sincere rapport with families and has been welcomed into our homes and has welcomed our families into the school to teach us about the college admission process and how education and leadership are important and fit into our cultural values. Needless to say, Mr. Gonzales has been instrumental in the success of many first-generation high school graduates and first-generation college attendees. His impact is long-lasting and multi-generational. His mentorship and support has been at the foundation of the educational journeys of numerous educators, journalists, politicians, lawyers and doctors, who together elevate their respective families, community, and AUHSD.

Mr. Gonzales is one of the greatest assets we have at MHS. As members of this community we are deeply concerned that he has been reappointed. His reappointment out of MHS would disrupt the very framework underlying our success as a program and high school. It is undeniable that his skill set and experience is best suited for MHS, not a middle school setting. It is important for the AUHSD Board to understand how important Mr. Gonzales is to the continued success of Puente and MHS, and the enormous loss their actions impose on our community. We urge the AUHSD board to prioritize our students and their future when making administrative decisions.

How can you help?
- Please sign this petition to tell the AUHSD board that is it is important to allow Mr. Gonzales the option to return to Magnolia High school and to our Puente Program.

- Share this petition with your parents, colleagues, and community!

- Show your support by attending the upcoming AUHSD board meeting, 6/20/19 6PM (501 N Crescent Way, Anaheim, CA 92801)

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