Transform Travel

We're calling for a major overhaul of the travel industry. 

So far this year, thousands of travellers have had their holiday plans disrupted by mass flight delays and cancellations. Through all this chaos airlines face almost no consequences.

We found airlines blatantly ignoring their legal obligations to help passengers with rerouting and rebooking, while other people have struggled to get the refunds they're owed. 

The appalling way airlines have treated passengers by repeatedly cancelling flights last minute and not telling them about their rights is unacceptable.

We're calling on the Secretary of State for Transport  to set out a timetable for reforms to the Civil Aviation Authority, giving it the tools and teeth to hold to account companies that break the rules and ignore the law, including the ability to hand out hefty fines when airlines break the law.

Laws are meaningless if they are not enforced. Sign our petition to stop the airlines breaking the rules.

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