ARROGANCE AND INDIFFERENCE: Etsy, Stop Promoting “Pony Skin” products, the Skins of Slaughtered

  • por: Diane McEvoy
  • destinatário: Targets: Chad Dickerson, Etsy CEO, Etsy Support Team, Etsy Policy Team, Etsy Integrity Team

Etsy was targeted in an earlier petition, along with Ebay, for promoting the sale of products made from “Pony Skin” the skins of slaughtered Nurse Mare Foals. “Pony Skin” products continue to be marketed.

Mr. Dickerson, CEO, has been quoted as saying, “We are a mindful, transparent, and humane business.” Etsy purports to take issues such as the use of nurse mare foals’ skins (“Pony Skin”) seriously according to a member of the Etsy Policy Team:  “…we take these kinds of issues very seriously, and are continuously striving to improve our marketplace. I have forwarded your concerns to my superiors and we will discuss it internally as soon as possible.”  But nothing further was forthcoming.

According to a member of Etsy’s Support Team: “… Given the diversity of sellers on Etsy, you may find some content to be disturbing or not in line with your personal beliefs. We will take a close look at this to determine if it violates our rules

The slaughter of Nurse Mare Foals and the subsequent use of their skins to make handbags or area rugs is not simply disturbing. Mr. Dickerson and Etsy need another wake up call.  Please join with me in showing Etsy that we will not be ignored and that we will not stop until they cease in their promotion of “Pony Skin” products.







Mr. Dickerson and all of Etsy, We will not stop until you stop promoting products made from Pony Skin, or to be more exact, the skins of slaughter nurse mare foals.

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