Stop the Killing: Urge Prime Minister Blair to put pressure on Iraqi officials to end state murder
In occupied Iraq 2007:
Samar Sa’ad ‘Abdullah (f), aged 25
Wassan Talib (f), aged 31
Zeynab Fadhil (f), aged 25
Liqa’ Qamar (f), aged 25
These four women named above have been sentenced to death, and at least one of them is in imminent danger of execution.
Will the state murder of four women bring stability and the rule of law to Iraq? The situation in Iraq is not normal, the occupiers are failing to comply with the Geneva Convention and the state is completely failing to protect the people. It is therefore hardly in a position to pass judgment and exact such a terminal punishment on these women.
As if the Iraqi women are not suffering enough at the hands of the occupation, the militias and the criminal mafias, they now have a state that not only fails to protect them but will exact revenge on them!
International Women’s day draws near as the deterioration of the state of women and children in Iraq continues unabated. The Iraqi state is silent and seemingly indifferent or incapable. The news coming out of Iraq hits us in the face like the punches of a professional boxer and leaves us reeling and numb with pain.
As the days, months and years go by, the worst fears of all the peace loving people all over the world who came out in their millions in 2003, giving the world leaders a decisive and loud message, ‘Do not Attack Iraq’, are confirmed. Iraqis are living a continuous nightmare with the mantra, ‘today is better than tomorrow’ as the article by the only western independent journalist in Iraq Dahr Jamil pointed out.
Four years on, Iraq lays in ruins, its infrastructure devastated, its hospitals and schools neglected, its resources plundered and wasted and its services and security non existent.The only thing that is flourishing in Iraq is crime and criminal mafias under many different guises.
On top of all that Iraqi women seem to have lost all that they have been fighting for through the last fifty years, in terms of legal rights thanks to Mr. Bush’s allies who came over the tanks of the occupation.
In 2006, there was the shocking news about the pre meditated rape of Luana Matiri a 22 year old Iraqi woman in the last year of her university education.
The appalling truth and details of the gang rape and murder of 14 year old Abeer Qasim Hamza by the US marines in March 2006 in the town of Mahmoudiya and the massacre of her family came to light. This is despite the media distortions describing her initially as ‘an Iraqi woman’. The rape of Abeer as Hana Ibrahim of Iraqi Women’s Will said “is the essence of the occupation”.
Moreover, as the occupiers and their stooges, terrorise, bomb, raid, lay siege, imprison, torture and kill, Iraqi women find their burdens in life multiplying and their misery escalating.
Now as Iraqis lose their homes and their livelihoods, the exodus to escape hell continues. 3.8 million Iraqis are now on the move according to UNHCR reports. Iraqi women have all the struggles and indignities of displacement to deal with.
Meanwhile Iraqi oil revenues go down the corruption plughole.
Finally, as the Iraqi ‘state’ fails the Iraqi women, it is now proposing to execute four of them according to Amnesty international.
We the peace loving people of the world, ask you Mr. Blair, do not forsake the Iraqi people, do not look away but face up to your responsibilities as an occupying power.
We urge you to bring political and diplomatic pressure to bear on the governing officials in Iraq, to stop the executions. assinar petiçãoassinar petição