Terminate Pamela Ramsey Taylor from the Clay County Development Corporation For Referring to Michelle Obama As An "Ape In Heels" In A Vulgar Facebook Post

Clay County Development Corp. Director Pamela Taylor Ramsey posted a hateful, racially motivated statement to Facebook, which was not only liked by the Clay County Mayor Beverly Whaling, but commented on in a way that showed she agreed with her comments. Every grant and piece of paper Mrs. Taylor and Ms. Whaling have to fill out and sign promises equal opportunities and a racism free workplace. 

Her post read:
"It will be so refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady back in the White House. I'm tired of seeing a Ape in heels."

The mayor of Clay, Beverly Whaling then liked and replied to that post, saying "Just made my day Pam."

They both need to go. This type of public discourse is completely unacceptable.

Atualização #28 anos atrás
While this petition was previously a success, we've just learned Pamela will get her job back on Dec. 23. Please share this petition to show you won't stand for racism from public sector employees!
Atualização #18 anos atrás
This petition has been a SUCCESS. Former mayor Whaling has stepped down, and Ramsey has been fired from her job. This petition will remain open so you can continue to sign and share to show you will stand strong against racism and hatred inspired by Trump.
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