Sherry Scott, another resident of the apartment complex happened to hear the group saying Meow, meow repeatedly, so she walked by only to discover that they were cooking a kitten in the grill. Despite the group's taunting, Ms. Scott managed to disperse the group by threatening to call the police. Scott was then able to remove the kitten from the grill. She named the small kitten Lucky, but it turned out that the kitten wasnt so lucky after animal control officers examined the burns. They found out that the burns had inflicted extensive damage on her respiratory system and her ability to swallow food, and they recommended that they euthanize it.
Charles Benoit was charged with animal abuse, punishable up to five years in prison along with a $5,000 fine. He was jailed on a $10,000 bail, which has since increased to a $25,000 bail due to his past criminal record of misdemeanor and assault charges.
Benoit faces up to five years in prison for animal abuse and $5,000 fine.
Tell the County Prosecutor and Judge not to let this killer out!!!! Tell the County Prosecutor that 5 years is not enough... and $5,000 won't make up for the pain suffered by that little unlucky "Lucky"
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