Harm or Charm?

Brighton Planning argues that the color of this building is harmful to the community and its heritage. But we strongly believe otherwise.

We see it as a vibrant celebration of the building's character and an enhancement to the heritage of its surrounding area. This colorful contribution reflects Brighton's diverse and creative community, adding a unique charm to our city.

Help us stop Brighton Planning from stifling artistic expression. Join us in standing up for creativity and individuality by signing this petition.

Case Reference: APP/Q1445/F/23/3333339 Address: 18-19 Charlotte Street, Brighton, BN2 1AG

Together, we can preserve Brighton's artistic soul!

Atualização #19 dias atrás
Hello Everyone,

Thank you for your invaluable support on this matter. I am deeply appreciative of your efforts.

I have a deadline of March 23rd to collect as many signatures as possible. If you could do a last shout out to reach out to as many individuals as you can.

Thank you again for all your support ??
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