MUST STOP Malaysia related authorities NOW&EVER cruelly mass culling by shooting involving the capture, destroy and disposal of all innocent dogs
The Malaysia related authorities already going to 'destroy' ALL stray dogs in Malaysia, after 2 confirmed(MadDog Disease Outbreak)rabies cases.
OMG! These dogs will be rounded up and murdered in cold blood whether or not they are infected. Instead of attempting to rectify the situation and coming up with solutions, the Malaysia related authorities has described the killing of stray dogs as a 'micro' problem{Ignorant&Arrogant!} and has also warned that pets who are outside of private property risk being caught and put to sleep as well.{Cruel&Crazy!}
Animal lovers and animal welfare groups, which are fighting to stop the ongoing mass killing operation in Penang, Malaysia, are continuing to tell the authorities that the approach will not effectively curb rabies but will make the situation worsen..Animal activist begs halt to culling of stray dogs..
Penang Animal Welfare Society (4Paws) founder Barbara Janssen was in tears as she went down on her knees. She passed out momentarily before she was helped up.
Cat Lovers International founder Teviot Fairservis was seen holding a long stick with a star, which had the word ‘STOP’ written on it.She labelled the policy as ‘a lazy way of solving the problem’ and felt that it was a cruel idea.
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Lorna Fisher[C.O.O.] & her SPCA teams of Selangor Malaysia urges the citizens not to panic, instead take recommended precautions and said that the "INDISCRIMINATE CULLING NOT THE ANSWER" !!
Ms.Lim Li Lian, a committee member of the group Stop Killing, Start Vaccinating, said there was no evidence that mass killing was effective in stopping the spread of rabies.
Dr Natasha Lee is a Malaysian veterinarian working with World Animal Protection (WAP). She was involved in giving veterinary aid for several rabies outbreaks in Asia, and asserts that culling alone will not remove the disease without a massive vaccination program.
Some 50-odd members of the coalition, who were mostly dressed in white T-shirts, had gathered at Level Three in Komtar, chanting “stop killing the dogs” ...
We hereby demand that the Malaysia related authorities will reconsider the mentioned actions and come up with a sane&wise solution for this problem.
Is the answer to kill every single dog every single time someone gets infected with rabies? What about the dogs who are not infected who will be murdered in cold blood for no good reason at all? Should these dogs die in vain when there is a vaccination easily available that prevents rabies?
Killing all dogs is not the best solution to curb rabies. In contrast, the state must find an alternative that is more humane and practical handling of the disease.
Use more better wisely ways/solutions for the Most Good Cause for all..Don't wasting taxpayer money for cruel inhumannity activities like that..
Most Malaysians would prefer a peace & harmony loving cooperative society (including Humans, animals & all the beloved beings staying in Malaysia) rather than the mentioned brutal & cruel activities..
“Stop Killing Start Vaccinating”..“Save Our Strays (SOS)”..“Penang Hope Of Strays (PHOS)”.. *Protection ~ for all animals{especially sick/illness1}(treat as pets) & all others stray&abandoned beloved beings which staying as homeless in the Malaysia.."
Kindly pls signing this petition for MOST WISELY WAYS, BETTER SANE SOLUTION & GOOD CARE CAUSE of all..
Thank you very much...
Best&Warm Regards, Dogs&Cats Lover & also all beings Lover
“Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind.” Eric Hoffer (1902-1983)
Target:1,500 (All Malaysian Citizens & the rest of the World Citizens)
Thanks for joining&signing in letting the Malaysian communities and anyone alert by knowing about this related media and cruel&inhumanities latest story: "Malaysia State Government is continuing mass killing of all the dogs"... Report by Related Latest M'sia News
These is the links again: {Culling of stray dogs to continue in Penang} {STOP THE KILLING OF 40k DOGS IN PENANG} {Malaysia Perlis state govt killing dogs on the spot} Thanks for adding one more view of it when we need them most. More Related M'sia News:
“Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind.” Eric Hoffer (1902-1983)
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