Every year ever since motorized highways were built, hundreds of animals trying to cross roads are being killed by vehicle impacts. Though it wouldn't be wrong to say that, animals were ignored when establishing the motorways right through their habitat, it's time now for Australia's government and local authorities to start building passages across the highways and crossings that are actually more efficient and capable of preventing roadkills across inland Australia rather than just putting up caution signs.
Album: Petition for Animal Crossing
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According to NRMA[Australian insurance provider] 51% of Australian claim they have hit an animal while driving one in four of which is related to Kangroos. Animals, particularly Kangaroos, are the cause of around 23 NSW collisions a day, according to NRMA Insurance claims data.
Some fencing attempts have been made along the highways but the height of it is possible to be jumped over by a human let alone the fact about jumping ability of Kangroos.
In order to resolve this tragic issue complete highway sides passing through wildlife habitat must be fenced 'properly' with multiple over or under the highway animal crossings at significant distances. This can ensure safety of both wild fauna and humans driving through wildlife habitat. This needs addressing, and work needs to be done on this matter starting right now by the respective authorities.
These innocent animals get killed untimely, get smashed by a speeding vehicle when trying to cross the highway and get to the grass patch on the other side. Not only kangaroos hundreds of other wild fauna are in danger because of what has come with progress of human civilization. But it doesn't have to be this way and as a human we've a responsibility toward our ecosystem. Progress of human civilization shouldn't harm animals as such and/or in such a terrible way. There are ways to not only reduce but completely stop these kinds of unfortunate events from happening repeatedly and that is simply by creating high and strong fences along the highways with crossings across them in adequate distances. Examples of such mean of protecting both human and animals already exist and there need to be one along Australian highways as well. Australian government need to learn from fellow developed nations from Europe and America and take actions. Please help each other and help get enough signatures on this petition so that it could be presented to Australian stake holders and government to make them attentive on this grave issue. Thank you again for those who helped. May good come to you. Choose Vegan! Choose electric!
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