Tell Obama to Stop Offshore Drilling

Eleven workers were killed in the Deepwater Horizon drilling-rig disaster in the Gulf Coast and 5,000 barrels of oil are being leaked into the ocean each day. This tragedy is a reminder that oil drilling is dirty, dangerous, and deadly and has no place in a 21st-century energy economy.

Even President Obama himself has called this horrific situation "a potentially unprecedented environmental disaster." It's time to tell him to do something about it!

Contact President Obama to say you've had enough -- it's time to permanently halt all proposals to allow more oil drilling off our coasts.
The BP Deepwater Horizon oil-rig disaster is a sad and stark reminder that oil is a dirty, dangerous, and deadly energy source that has no place in a 21st-century energy economy.

I urge you to engage every resource available to address the immediate cleanup and recovery needs of Gulf Coast residents, businesses, wildlife, and marine life.

I've had enough -- we need a commitment to end all new proposals for offshore oil drilling and permanently protect our coasts. Instead of risking our lives, our coasts, our clean air, and our security by perpetuating our addiction to oil, it's time to build a clean-energy economy that means more jobs, less pollution, and real energy independence.

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