US Government and Congress: Introduce Mandatory Breeding Licenses for Dogs, Cats and Small Animals and Legally Require All Other Eligible Dogs, Cats and Small Animals to Be Spayed/Neutered

Every year, in the USA, around 920,000 animals are killed in shelters each year. 390,000 of these are dogs, and 530,000 are cats. Many of these are put down by lethal injection, but some are killed in a gas chamber. These dogs and cats are often not killed because they are sick, injured or aggressive, but simply because the shelters are overcrowded and cannot cope. They haven't the space to take in and care for so many dogs and cats that need to be taken in and cared for, otherwise many of them could remain living rough, without the necessary care, or even in situations of abuse/neglect, with no one able to take them.
Many dogs and cats also can't be housed together, due to their not getting along with other dogs/cats, or due to medical conditions. This is particularly an issue with bully breeds. Bully breeds can be difficult to transfer over to shelters, often through no fault of their own, as, unfortunately, some bully breeds don't get along with other dogs, due to their having been trained to fight or due to their temperament caused by genetics/mistreatment. This is by no means meant to say or imply that all bully breeds are aggressive or dangerous. Absolutely not! Some bully breeds get along really well with other animals, even being best friends with them, saving them and/or helping to take care of them. Make no mistake, the controversial dog breeds like Rottweilers, pit bulls, Staffies, American bullies, Dobermans, pit bull types and mixes, and bully breed types and mixes can make really loving, loyal and friendly companions.
The overpopulation of animals in shelters is one of the major reasons why healthy animals are killed in shelters, and it is down to irresponsible, backyard breeders and puppy mills/puppy farms/kitten mills that breed dogs just for profit. Some people just don't bother to spay or neuter their dogs and cats. Some people want their kids to see and experience birth. Some people think spaying/neutering is unnatural. Some people think it's okay/a good idea to let their dog or cat have just one litter. Some men don't like the idea of removing their male dog/cat's testicles. These are all really bad reasons not to spay/neuter your animal. If you're not going to be a serious, expert breeder who breeds because of the love of their breed/s, and not just for profit, spaying/neutering is the responsible and ethical thing to do, for your animal/s and for all the other homeless animal/s, for the safety of other people and/or animals (if your dog/cat is aggressive) and for the sake of your home and to prevent antisocial behaviour (spraying, marking and roaming). If you want your kids to see birth, please just have them watch puppies/kittens/other animals or even a human baby/babies being born on YouTube and/or on telly. Spaying/neutering may seem unnatural, but is it any more unnatural than any other medical operation or vaccination? Is it any more unnatural than microchipping? What is more cruel; keeping a male dog in Euterpe d and never, ever allowing him to mate and fulfil his urges, keeping him frustrated and unhappy, or removing the urge completely and allowing him to be calmer and happier? What if everyone who got a kitten or puppy off of you thought it best to let them have one litter? Imagine how many kittens/puppies your dog/cat could be responsible for the birth of! Those puppies/kittens, or even your puppies/kittens could end up in the veterinary clinic at a shelter, killed by lethal injection, or crying for their life in a gas chamber, and then in the freezer of a shelter, or other dogs/cats in that shelter, or other dogs/cats who could've been adopted by the people who got a kitten or puppy off of you, because you let your dog or cat have just one litter. Your dog's testicles are not your testicles. He does not have the same ideas around manhood and masculinity as you do. Yes, he is probably masculine. He is male. But he very likely will not miss his testicles. He will very likely be happier and calmer without them. He may even live longer!
It is possible to end the massacre of animals in shelters and pounds. The animal shelter staff are usually not animal-hating ogres* who want to kill animals! They often care about the animals. Most of them would not kill the animals if they didn't feel they had to. We need to make that possible for them and save animals' lives by mandating breeding licenses and requiring all other eligible cats, dogs and small animals to be spayed/neutered.
Also, please think of the safety of children and other humans. Dog aggression and dog bites and attacks are a serious issue. Aggression in dogs can sometimes be reduced by spaying/neutering. Also, a dog's genetics and breeding, along with their socialisation, training, experiences and just their individual temperament, all play a major role in determining a dog's behaviour and temperament. If only responsible breeders were allowed to have intact dogs, this could mean that dogs would be bred to have sound and safer temperaments, and less unsound and aggressive dogs would be bred. It would also mean that far fewer dogs would be sold to the wrong people, who would train them to be aggressive or just not train properly and not raise or socialise them properly, which could otherwise lead to attacks/bites that could be prevented if that person just wasn't able to buy or otherwise obtain that dog. I believe that it isn't just a dog's training/upbringing/socialisation or their genetics/breeding that cause them to be aggressive; I believe it is a combination. There is no such thing as an all-aggressive or all-bad breed; there are good and bad in almost if not every breed/type.
Also, requiring the spaying/neutering of all cats, except those in the hands of licensed breeders, could help protect native wildlife from going extinct, by reducing the numbers of feral and stray cats hunting them.
Please note that some individual animals who are of species that can be spayed or neutered still cannot be spayed/neutered for reasons of medical issues or because they are too young. These individuals should be exempt.
Please, please do the right thing to save the lives of cats, dogs, small animals and wildlife, and help protect the safety of children and other people, and help stop antisocial behaviour by dogs and cats by introducing a mandatory, veterinarian and AKC/GCCF approved breeding license for dogs and cats, and similar breeding licenses for various, eligible small animal species, approved by clubs for that species and veterinarians with great knowledge and experience with those species, and requiring that every carer of any of those animals without such a license get their eligible animal/s spayed/neutered.

Atualização #11 anos atrás
Hello everyone,
I have just submitted this petition, and a polite message calling for the passage of a law to establish and require breeding licenses and spaying/neutering (unless written advice against the operation is produced by a vet), to Congress. Please join me in politely and effectively contacting Congress about this issue. Here is an email address:
Thank you and have an amazing day and night!
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