Since taking over as EPA Administrator, Scott Pruitt has shown no ethical compass, wasted taxpayer money, and, worst of all, actively sought to destroy protections that keep our families and children healthy.
Pruitt's tenure has been a disaster for American families. Now, he will go before members of Congress to testify, and we must ensure that he is held accountable by Republicans and Democrats alike. Pruitt's behavior transcends partisanship—no public official should be given a free pass to so blatantly disrespect the expectations Americans have for lawmakers.
We want answers, and that's why we need our senators to ask real, pressing questions. Take action now and tell your senator that you expect tough questions to be asked when Pruitt goes before the Senate.
Dear [Decision Maker],
You are one of the few senators who will be given the chance to question EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt before the public during his testimony to the Interior and Environment Subcommittee. I am sure you are well aware of the many scandals that have engulfed Mr. Pruitt and the questions those scandals have created. As Americans, we need those questions to be asked and answered, and I'm counting on you to pursue the truth on behalf of American children and families.
Mr. Pruitt has shown absolutely no respect for American taxpayers and families--his behavior makes it clear he places his own interests and those of his close associates before those of Americans.
Just some of the questions that I have:
1. How does the illegal purchase of your $43,000 in-office phone booth help protect the health of our children?
2. How does a lobbyist-arranged trip to Morocco during which you promoted natural gas exports -- well outside the scope of your agency -- help protect the health of our children?
3. How did using taxpayer dollars to travel first class help protect the health of our children?
4. You asked your staff to find ways to justify overseas travel to Israel, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Colombia, Panama, Poland, Japan, India and Canada. How did you expect these trips would help you carry out your job of protecting children's health?
I hope that you will show your commitment to nonpartisanship and demand answers from Pruitt. American families will be watching and listening.
[Your Name Here]