Tell an animal shelter to drop its high kill rate and provide humane pet treatment

  • por: Georgina B
  • destinatário: Campbelltown City Council

The City of Campbelltown located near Sydney, Australia, has a council run animal shelter which takes in approximately 4,000 pets a year.

The shelter spends nearly $1 million killing pets annually and yet there seems to be no money to spend on dropping this expensive kill rate in the name of better budgeting and humane pet treatment. Back in 2009/10, the conditions at the pound attracted the attention of the public, as it had a kill rate of 2,366 out of the 2,593 unclaimed pets – meaning less than 1 in 10 left the pound alive.

Under pressure from the community, the council began tendering the running of the pound to an external group.

Two groups came forward as contenders - Gosford Animal Care and Sydney Dogs and Cats Home – both organisations are known as running extremely efficient and humane operations.

However, both organisations have now been rejected by the council for being too expensive. Yet according to the Campbelltown Council 2014/15 Operational Budget, nearly $1 million dollars is spent annually on killing animals.

This enormous sum of money would be better spent in supporting the work of one of the organisations that are renowned for providing humane and efficient services.

Please sign and share the petition to demand Campbelltown Council drops its high kill rate, provides humane pet treatment and uses it animal welfare budget wisely by engaging a humane and efficient contractor to run the shelter.

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