A Man Hoarded 83 Dogs and 1 Cat in a Roach-Infested Apartment Before Selling Them Online as an Illegal Breeder

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Maryland authorities
In a harrowing case of animal cruelty, a man in Baltimore, Maryland has been charged with 178 counts of animal cruelty after authorities discovered he had hoarded 83 dogs and 1 cat and kept them locked in disturbing conditions.

No future animals should have to go through this pain and agony. Sign the petition to urge authorities to ban him from living with, owning, or working with pets in the future!

When arriving, officials first noticed the overwhelming stench of excrement and ammonia. The conditions were so bad, the officers were physically impacted, leaving with symptoms that included eye-watering and burning sensations.

But what they saw was much worse. Dogs of various breeds, sizes, and ages were crammed into small crates stacked on top of each other. The crates were not only filthy, covered in feces and urine - and also crawling with roaches.

On top of all that, authorities also discovered that the man was breeding and selling these dogs online without any proper licensing! His actions are a stark example of how unchecked cruelty can escalate into extreme abuse.

Luckily, all the animals have since been rescued and are receiving veterinary help before they will be adopted out to loving, responsible homes. But with a situation so intense and so extreme, it's clear that this man cannot be trusted to take care of pets now or in the future.

We must protect future animals from similar abuse. Sign the petition to demand that Maryland authorities implement a lifetime ban on his ability to own, work with, or live with any animals.
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