Tell Congress: Protect Nursing Homes and Preserve Dignity

Every day, 1.3 million seniors rely on nursing homes not just for housing, but for essential care that allows them to live with dignity. These are the people who have worked tirelessly, invested in our country, and raised their families in our communities. Now, they face the terrifying prospect of being abandoned.

Proposed Medicaid cuts threaten to devastate millions across our country. The loss of funding will strain state budgets and jeopardize the care seniors depend on. Further, nursing homes will be unable to recruit and retain the qualified caregivers essential to maintaining quality care, leading to staff shortages that further compromise the well-being of residents.

Without adequate Medicaid funding, the consequences will be catastrophic. Nursing homes will shut their doors – leaving seniors homeless, caregivers will be stretched to the breaking point – unable to provide even basic care, and seniors will suffer – their cries for help unanswered.

Aging is inevitable, and all of us, regardless of political affiliation, deserve care and respect in our later years. These proposed cuts will rob seniors of their independence and safety, condemning them to lives of uncertainty and pain. This is not just a budget issue – it's a humanitarian crisis in the making.

We cannot allow this to happen. Sign now and urge your member of Congress to fight to fully fund Medicaid and ensure that nursing homes remain open and staffed to provide the critical care seniors so desperately need. These cuts would strip seniors of their dignity, their homes, and their chance to age with the respect they've earned.
Dear Member of Congress,

I am writing to you with urgency to express my deep concern about the proposed Medicaid cuts that threaten to devastate millions of Americans across our country. These cuts could force seniors out of their nursing homes, strip away their care, and leave them with nowhere to turn during their most vulnerable years.

Every day, 1.3 million seniors rely on nursing homes not just for housing, but for essential care that allows them to live with dignity. These are the people who have worked tirelessly, invested in our country, and raised their families in our communities. Now, they face the terrifying prospect of being abandoned.

Slashing federal Medicaid payments to states will inevitably harm nursing homes, even if they are not explicitly targeted for cuts. The loss of funding will strain state budgets and jeopardize the care seniors depend on. Further, nursing homes will be unable to recruit and retain the qualified caregivers essential to maintaining quality care, leading to staff shortages that further compromise the well-being of residents.

Without adequate Medicaid funding, the consequences will be catastrophic. Nursing homes will shut their doors - leaving seniors homeless, caregivers will be stretched to the breaking point - unable to provide even basic care, and seniors will suffer - their cries for help unanswered.

Aging is inevitable, and all of us, regardless of political affiliation, deserve care and respect in our later years. These proposed cuts will rob seniors of their independence and safety, condemning them to lives of uncertainty and pain. This is not just a budget issue - it's a humanitarian crisis in the making.

We cannot allow this to happen. I urge you to fight to fully fund Medicaid and ensure that nursing homes remain open and staffed to provide the critical care seniors so desperately need. These cuts would strip seniors of their dignity, their homes, and their chance to age with the respect they've earned.

I urge you to take immediate action to protect our seniors and preserve the safety net that they and their families depend on. Fully fund Medicaid. Please, don't leave them out in the cold.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.

[your name]
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