Join Their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, to Help the Horn of Africa

On Wednesday November 2, 2011, Their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, will be making a special visit to UNICEF's global Supply Center in Copenhagen to help put the global spotlight back onto the humanitarian crisis in East Africa, which has left more than 320,000 children so severely malnourished that they are at imminent risk of starving to death unless they get urgent help.

"For months since the drought became a catastrophe for millions of children across East Africa, we have been asking ourselves, 'how loudly do we have to yell, and from what mountaintop,' for people to see and feel the urgency of this crisis," said U.S. Fund for UNICEF President and CEO Caryl M. Stern.

Join Their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, in bringing this crisis in East Africa into the minds of people across the world. Together we can raise awareness and help bring aid to those in need.
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