Urge the EPA to Make Drinking Water Safer. No Lead is Safe

NO lead is safe in drinking water. Yet every year communities around the Great Lakes find high lead levels in drinking water, harming public health. This fall, the U.S. EPA will announce a new Lead and Copper Rule that will impact the safety of drinking water in homes. In these improvements, the U.S. EPA must strengthen drinking water protections and ensure that the new rule:

  • Creates health-based standards for regulating lead in drinking water (the current rule does NOT include human health)
  • Bans partial lead service line replacements (partial replacements leave the lead on the home-owner side of the pipe, often causing more lead to be released)
  • Creates an emergency funding source to aid environmental justice communities in crisis (often low-income communities have no way to move forward quickly to solve issues when they happen)
  • Recommends water filters for all residents when a high lead level is discovered and provides them to households in need, including those with low-incomes, expectant mothers, and children.

With your help, we can make strides to ensure water is safe for all. The public deserves to trust its drinking water.

Sign this Pledge to ensure the U.S. EPA adopts stronger protections against lead in drinking water.
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