Stand with us and call for fair housing

With a sense of urgency, we are calling for comprehensive response to address the homelessness crisis in England. Our proposed actions aim to ensure safe and stable housing for all citizens:

  • Annual Local Housing Allowance Increase: The Local Housing Allowance (LHA) must be raised annually to the 30th percentile in each local area. This adjustment will help bridge the gap between housing costs and available support.
  • Investment in Housing Stock: We demand sustained investment in housing stock, with a particular focus on social housing. The growing numbers of people experiencing homelessness require adequate shelter, and increasing housing availability is crucial.
  • Expanded Priority Need Criteria: Priority need should extend beyond the current scope. We propose including:
  1. Rough Sleepers: Those living on the streets face extreme vulnerability and require immediate assistance.
  2. Modern Slavery Victims: Victims of modern slavery deserve protection and support, including access to stable housing.
  • Abolish Priority Need: Commit to abolishing priority need within the next decade. This shift will promote fairness and equal access to housing resources.
  • Uprate Funding Settlements: Existing funding for homelessness and rough sleeping services must be uprated to maintain real value during times of high inflation.

Let's unite to create a society where everyone has a place to call home. Sign the petition and fight for housing equity! 

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