Hold the EPA Accountable for Its Commitment to Protect the Chesapeake Bay

The continued failure of the EPA to restore and protect clean water is unacceptable. That's why we've filed a Notice of Intent to sue EPA.
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has continuously failed to require Pennsylvania and New York to develop plans that will achieve the pollution-reduction commitments they made under the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint. If left unchecked, this lack of accountability could be disastrous for the future of the Bay and its rivers and streams. Nearly $130 billion in natural benefits annually are at stake.
EPA's recent evaluation of New York's plan noted that the state's nitrogen shortfall exceeded 1 million pounds annually and failed to adequately identify funding sources for meeting agricultural and stormwater commitments.
Pennsylvania's plan to meet the 2025 goals contains improvements over past plans, including prioritized county-level plans. However, as approved by EPA, it would only achieve roughly 73 percent of its 31-million-pound nitrogen-reduction commitment, and the implementation plan is underfunded by nearly $324 million dollars a year.
Despite the deficiencies, EPA took no steps to hold either state accountable to their Blueprint obligations. EPA should either have required the states to design plans to fully meet the pollution reduction goals including identifying the necessary funding, or imposed consequences Congress has empowered EPA to use. EPA's acceptance of New York and Pennsylvania's plans last year was a violation of the agency's responsibilities.
Sign your name today to stand with the Chesapeake Bay and hold the EPA accountable for its role in the Clean Water Blueprint and protecting the Bay.
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