Tell Governor Hickenlooper, "I support conservation first too"

During Governor Hickenlooper's January State of the State address, he stated, "Every discussion about water should start with conservation."

We couldn't have said it better ourselves.

And it turns out he is not alone. Coloradans of all political stripes and every corner of the state overwhelmingly prefer water conservation over new diversions from rivers. Nearly 9 out of 10 Coloradans are willing to reduce their own water use by an additional 20%.

In addition, farmers and ranchers have stepped forward to let Governor Hickenlooper know they are ready to improve water conservation to preserve farming, our rural communities and the state's economy as a whole.

Let your voice be heard!

Sign the petition to Governor Hickenlooper let him know we're all behind him, and ready to get to work.
Dear Governor Hickenlooper,

We were pleased to hear your comments in your State of the State address that "Every discussion about water should start with conservation."

We couldn't agree more with your statement.

[Your comments will be inserted here.]

A recent poll commissioned by Protect the Flows found that the people of Colorado are with you in support for improved water conservation:

- Voters feel we can "solve most of (Colorado's) water problems through efforts to conserve water and reduce waste" - 76%, of Coloradans, including 79% of Democrats and 73% of Republicans.

- Voters agree that Colorado's rivers are critical to the state's economy, our quality of life, and are already at risk - 96% feel Colorado's rivers are critical to our quality of life; 92% feel they are critical Colorado's tourism and recreation economy; and 88% feel our rivers are a state treasure that should be protected.

- Voters are willing to back up these policy views by changing their personal habits - Only 24% say they are doing all they can to conserve water; a majority of 59% say they are trying to conserve, but could do more; and 87% say they are willing to cut back their household water use by 20%.

Furthermore, The Bureau of Reclamation's Colorado River Basin Supply & Demand Study, in which the State of Colorado participated, indicates that improving the efficiency with which we use water would cost only a quarter of what it would cost on average to ship in more water from rivers with new pipelines.

We have lessons from around the world demonstrating that we can do more with less. Let's work together to implement conservation policies that are fiscally prudent and protect the resources that give Colorado a unique economic advantage.

[Your name here]
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