Tell Your Senators Why America Needs a Strong Climate Bill

On Wednesday, May 12th, Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) introduced strong climate legislation -- the American Power Act -- in the U.S. Senate.

In his remarks, Senator Kerry said: "Right now, as one of the worst oil spills in our nation's history washes onto our shores, no one can doubt how urgently we need a new energy policy in this country. Now is the time to take action."

But sadly Republicans, lead by the defection of one of the bill's original co-sponsors (Lindsay Graham, R-SC), have signaled their unilateral intention to oppose this historic legislation.

America has a clear choice. Now is the time to end the threat of run-away global warming. Sign the petition and urge your Senators to support the the American Power Act!
Dear Senator,

It's time for the Senate to tackle global warming. As your constituent, I am writing today to strongly urge you to support a strong bill that sets a legal limit to reduce America's global warming pollution by at least 80% by 2050.

[Your comment will be inserted here]

Scientists warn we have very little time to begin cutting our emissions. A reduction in climate pollution of 80% by 2050 is what the science demands if we are to avoid the risk of catastrophic global warming with devastating consequences for people and the planet.

The political accord reached at last December's international climate negotiations in Copenhagen was a great step forward, but we must ensure that world leaders sign a legally binding climate treaty in 2010. Failure to move a strong global warming bill will undermine international global warming negotiations and set us back years. This is precious time we cannot afford to waste if we are to effectively solve the climate crisis.

The U.S. House of Representatives has already passed a landmark climate bill and now is the time for the Senate to act. I urge you to support a strong global warming bill.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my comments. I eagerly await your response.

[Your name here]
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