US Fish and Wildlife Service Must Declare Giraffe an Endangered Species and Take Immediate action to protect them!

Giraffe populations are under intense pressure from callous trophy hunters. Slaughtering them in ever increasing numbers, all so some rich westerner can feel powerful as they gun down these defenseless animals. 

The US Fish and Wildlife Service continues to withhold an endangered species declaration, even as giraffe numbers continue to plummet at the hands of selfish trophy hunters.

"As giraffe populations plummet, these extraordinary creatures desperately need the Endangered Species Act's sturdy shield. But three years after we petitioned for protections, federal officials are still stalling on safeguards for everyone's favorite long-necked mammal," said Tanya Sanerib, international legal director at the Center for Biological Diversity.

And with the giraffe population falling rapidly – 69,000 remain in the wild – we may have no giraffes left in a few short years if this dangerous inaction continues.

There is no reason whatsoever to slaughter a giraffe, they are not a threat to humans or their crops. They do no harm to humans in any way. Yet we continue to gun them down in record numbers, while the US government continues to fail in its responsibility to protect endangered species. 

We demand that the US Fish and Wildlife service declare giraffes to be endangered and put immediate protections in place to prevent further decimation of the gentle giants.

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