Protect the Grand Canyon from Dangerous Coal Pollution!

Some of the most spectacular views of nature anywhere on the planet can be experienced at Grand Canyon National Park, carved over tens of millions of years by the Colorado River. Millions of people from around the world make the trek to the park each year to experience this stunning natural American icon.
But for decades, visitors have also suffered obscured views instead of crystal clear vistas, due to industrial haze from coal pollution emitted by the largest coal-fired power plant in the West -- which is less than 12 miles from the park!
Fortunately, the EPA is taking public comments right now on how to clean up the dangers coal pollution from the Navajo Generating Station (NGS). But the powerful coal lobby is pushing EPA to delay clean up and to approve a weakened plan that will deny the progress our great national park has needed for decades.
Show the EPA that America supports holding polluters accountable by requiring NGS to install strong industry-standard pollution controls. Send a comment now to protect the Grand Canyon against dirty coal pollution.
Approve the strongest industrial coal pollution controls for Navajo Generating Station (docket number EPA-R09-OAR-2013-0009)
Dear EPA Region 9,
I am concerned about the coal plant pollution that has harmed views at Grand Canyon National Park for decades. Navajo Generating Station (NGS) is one of the dirtiest coal plants in the country and has fouled the world-renowned Grand Canyon for too long. Located just 12 miles from the park, it also pollutes at least ten other special places, including other national parks and wilderness areas. Worse, the federal government owns the largest share of NGS. We can't delay ending the coal pollution that is harming the Grand Canyon, and the federal government should lead in protecting the park.
I applaud your proposal to significantly reduce nitrogen oxide pollution from NGS with strong pollution controls (Selective Catalytic Reduction or SCR), but I am deeply worried because you are considering delaying cleanup by ten years or more. Other coal plants harming special places have had to clean up within five years and there's no reason it shouldn't happen at NGS, too. EPA proposed pollution controls for NGS that are the modern industry standard for NOx control. In fact, SCR is in use on more than 200 coal-fired units around the country.
Please require Navajo Generating Station to reduce haze pollution through the installation of SCR within five years to protect Grand Canyon and other parks affected by NGS's coal pollution. We owe it to future generations to pass on a restored natural heritage.
Thank you for considering my comments.
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