Support A Retrial for the West Memphis Three

Petition Target: Mike Huckabee, Govenor, Arkansas

This petition was started to support a continued investigation of the case of The West Memphis Three and support them in their fight to get a new and fair trial.

The three, Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jesse Misskelley, Jr. were tried for a triple murder in 1993 in West memphis, Arkansas. The evidence suggests that there is a clear possibility that these three are innocent of these terrible crimes. It is our responisbility to either prove BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT that these three are guilty, or release them.

Sign now and support due process of the law, and the respect for the civil liberties of these three men.

Attention: Mike Huckabee, Govenor, Arkansas

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that you use your influence to ensure that the West Memphis Three receive a fair retrial and a just investigation of their case.

We understand that the history of the case is as follows:

  • On May 5th, 1993 the bodies of three 8 year old boys, Christopher Byers, Micheal Moore and Steven Branch were found, mutilated and tied, wrists to ankles, in a shallow creek along interstate 40 in west memphis Arkansas.
  • One month later the police arrested three local teenagers whom they accused of sacrificing the boys in a bizarre satanic ritual.
  • The accused were 18 year old Damien Echols, said to be the mastermind behind the murders, 16 year old Jason Baldwin and 17 year old Jesse Misskelley Jr, a boy with an I.Q. of 72.
  • According to the police, Jesse voluntarily confessed to participating in these brutal slayings. His confession, though incomplete and frought with inaccuracies, implicated both Damien and Jason, who he claimed to be fellow devil worshipers.
  • These three were condmned long before their trial began. For nine months the media released rumored stories of blood drinking and devil worshipping, homosexual orgies and demons.
  • Despite overwhelming public hostility toward them, the accused steadfastly maintained their innocence.
  • Damien asserted that, throughout the years, police had persecuted him because he was different-wearing black clothing, listening to heavy metal music and being interested in the Wicca religion.
  • Jason complained that he was the victim of guilt by associiation- that his freindship with Damien was his only "crime".
  • Jesse said that he was coerced into confessing through police pressure. Experts in polygraph tests and false confessions support this contention.
  • In 1999, a board certified forensic odontolgist confirmed that one of the slain children, Steven Branch, had an adult bite mark that DID NOT match dental impressions given by Damien, Jesse or Jason.

The evidence supporting the conviction of the West Memphis Three is incomplete and does not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they are guilty.
We, the undersigned, implore you to ensure that these three men receive a fair trial and prove their guilt. For all men are INNOCENT until proven guilty. We beseech you to use your influence to ensure that the articles of the constitution are respected and that the inalienable rights of Damien, Jesse and Jason are also respected. These men, as all men do, deserve a fair trial.

The undersigned.
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