Truth about the Anthrax Scare

For the US officials to discontinue accusing external (Middle Eastern) groups of the anthrax based terrorism unless there is sufficient proof otherwise.

Sign Now and call for a close, and impartial investigation... not forgetting to look under every stone, both abroad and at HOME.

Dear President Bush:
I am concerned about the continual association of anthrax with external terrorists. Despite the facts that:
(1) there is no solid evidence connecting the anthrax hoaxes and anthrax killings with external terrorists;
(2) such biological threats by internal terrorists (usually right wing groups against such organizations as Planned Parenthood) were pervasive well before September 11 and continue unchecked;
(3)and, the FBI is investigating over 7000 anthrax suspects, none of whom have known Al Qaida connections;
Our leaders continually imply that external terrorists may be responsible for the anthrax situation.

These accusations diminish our government's credibilty at home and abroad. We implore you to ensure a close, and impartial investigation... not forgetting to look under every stone, both abroad and at HOME.

Dr. Willie Smyth
Olympia, WA 98502
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