Create a food court in south Building cafeteria

For many years, cafeteria dining has been the major source of food for USDA Employees. As Sydney J. Harris states: " Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better." A South Building food court will offer greater dining flexibility and allow employees to remain in the South Building to eat.
Dear Director of Operations:

Since 1970, the USDA South building cafeteria has enjoyed a great history of providing meals to part of the largest workforces in the country. Its expanse and breadth create a comfortable and inviting location for mid-day excursions.

Over the years, maintenance has become lax, and food management services bland. As our building undergoes great change, we believe it is also time to change the food service concept. Cafeteria dining, while efficient, does not address our needs for variety and name brands.

Therefore, we propose that you consider changing the South Building cafeteria to the South Building Food Court; housing popular chains such as Chick-fil-et, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Sbarro's, Panda Express, or other franchises that will cater to our changing palettes.

Open competition has always been the strength of a free society. We challenge you to approach the food court concept so that we can enjoy the variety of life, patronize our South Building vendors, and enjoy our lunch within the building instead of taking our time to walk to the other food courts in the area.
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