Block Amendment to Allow More Florida Oil Drilling

  • por: Care2
  • destinatário: U.S. Senate
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee has just voted to allow oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, potentially overturning a 2006 compromise that created a no-drilling buffer along the coast of Florida.

Currently, Florida has a 100 mile buffer zone between its coast and the first oil drilling on the panhandle, and a 125 mile buffer zone around the rest of the state. But the proposed amendment would shrink this buffer to 45 miles around much of the coast and a mere 10 miles off the part of the panhandle.

The 2006 compromise that opened up more waters to drilling has yet do what was expected: Give Americans energy independence. Instead, the Florida coast rigs rely on old technologies that do nothing to combat global warming. What we really need is a clean energy future.

Tell your Senator: Fight the proposed amendment to allow offshore drilling any closer to Florida's coast!
Dear Senator,

I am shocked to hear that the Energy and Natural Resources Committee passed an amendment allowing oil drilling even closer to the coast of Florida than the 2006 compromise allowed. I urge you to reject this amendment when the bill comes to a full vote in the Senate.

Currently, Florida has a 100 mile buffer zone between its coast and the first oil drilling on the panhandle, and a 125 mile buffer zone around the rest of the state. But the proposed amendment would shrink this buffer to 45 miles around much of the coast and a mere 10 miles off the part of the panhandle.

The 2006 compromise that opened up more waters to drilling has yet do what was expected: Give Americans energy independence. Instead, the Florida coast rigs rely on old technologies that do nothing to combat global warming. What we really need is a clean energy future.

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Thank you for rejecting this despicable amendment.
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