Justice for Cindy - Find the Abuser Who Threw Acid in Her Face!

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Clowne, Derbyshire Constabulary
Why did someone throw acid in an Cindy the horse's face? That is the question officials in Clowne, Derbyshire, United Kingdom are trying to answer after rescuers found her dumped on the side of the road. According to one animal rescuer, the poor 8-month-old foal had the "worst acid burns" they had ever seen, leaving her with skin peeling off her face and head.

"The injuries sustained by this poor horse are absolutely appalling…"

At the moment no one knows who committed this act of cruelty against Cindy, but what is known is that the person or persons isn't just a danger to animals, but to people as well. There are plenty of studies that show an irrefutable link between violence against animals and and violence against people. Many of the world's most heinous violent criminals got their start torturing or killing animals.

We must demand that animal abusers like Cindy's attacker are taken off the streets.

Please sign the petition and let's ask Clowne officials to do all they can to find Cindy's abuser and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.
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