Trump and Republicans are “softening” their language on abortion and same-sex marriage. Sign to tell them: We’re not buying this bulls**t!

  • por: Left Action
  • destinatário: Trump and Republican enablers

The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee are adopting new language that "softens" their stances on abortion and same-sex marriage, pretending that their views on these issues aren't as extreme as they actually are. 

Make no mistake – Trump and his MAGA allies fully intend to destroy reproductive rights, marriage equality, and countless other rights and freedoms. This pathetic attempt to seem more appealing to larger groups of voters is a wolf in sheep's clothing. 

We're not buying this B.S. – we know how extreme their views are and what they're plotting. Add your name to send a message loud and clear to Trump and Republicans: We're not buying this bulls**t! >>

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