Angel Island Wind Turbine Replacement

  • por: RD Brinkley
  • destinatário: Superintendent, Angel Island State Park; Board of Directors,, Angel Island State Park, California
To replace the existing static wind turbine at Pt. Blunt with a new wind turbine that will offset Angel Island State Park's high electrical energy use, and costs, with clean, renewable energy.
We, the undersigned, support efforts to explore the replacement of the existing, nonfunctioning, Enertech 40 kilowatt wind turbine at Point Blunt, on Angel Island, with a new 250 kilowatt wind turbine. The turbine will provide a sustainable energy source and may help to offset energy costs at Angel Island State Park.

The project could achieve cost recovery within 5-8 years, and sooner if outside funds are secured from renewable energy funding programs, grants, and individual donors.

Wind turbine technology has come a long way since the early Enertech wind turbine was placed on Angel Island as part of a renewable energy program in the early 1980's. The newest, state of the art wind turbines have overcome many of the problems of the early generation ones. The replacement would be relatively simple since the site is already developed. A new tower would be erected, somewhat taller, on a spot selected for the best wind, and aesthetic, conditions at Point Blunt. Appropriate studies, and a new environmental impact report would be needed to accomplish this.

A 250 kW wind turbine, combined with other renewable energy sources like solar and tidal power, and energy conservation measures, could provide even more significant reductions of energy costs on Angel Island. Old refrigerators and incandescent light bulbs could be replaced with new, efficient technology. Occupancy sensors, monitored with integrated controls, could reduce electrical use in the State Park buildings. Highly efficient, state-of-the-art vehicles for work and tour transportation would conserve energy and educate the public. Angel Island would become a model of renewable energy use and conservation.

Let’s exchange the old Enertech wind turbine for a new one at Point Blunt, on Angel Island, as a step towards our renewable energy future.
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